Monday, December 5, 2011

Exodus 18 - Appointment of Minor Judges

Moses is reunited with Zipporah and his sons

In Exodus 2 Moses had been invited to live with Jethro and his family and was given Zipporah his daughter in marriage. They had two sons. Jethro had heard of the wonderful miracles that God was performing and how God had helped Moses to conquer the enemy and free the Israelites from captivity. He, Jethro, brought with him Zipporah and their two sons. He sent word on ahead to Moses that he was coming to visit him. Moses came out to greet him and bowed low to show his respect. They greeted exchanging kisses as was customary, then went into the tent to talk about God's wonders. 

Moses appoints men to hear the minor cases

Then next day as Jethro, who himself is a priest, saw the many people come and line up to ask Moses to mediate for them, he suggested that Moses appoint certain Godly, respectable and wise men to sit over the lesser disagreements so that Moses would not have so much upon his shoulders. He agreed, selected the men and bid his father in-law farewell as he journeyed back to him homeland. 

Thank you so much for visiting me today. May God richly bless you and the reading of His word.

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