Imagine the feelings of relief felt by the children of Israel. They were born into slavery. Their parents and their parent's parents were too. Life had been hard for them and they certainly thought they were going to die as slaves, only moments before as they were trapped between the Red Sea and the armies. They sang of how the Lord opened the seas for them to pass on dry land but closed the same sea right behind them as the enemies pursued and swallowed them up. Verses 9 and 10 state they sang
""The enemy boasted, "I will pursue and override them; I will divide the spoils and have my fill of them; I will draw my sword; my hand shall despoil them!" When your wind blew, the sea covered them; and they sank in the mighty waters." The New American Bible
Thank you so much for visiting me today. May God richly bless you and the reading of His word.
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