Thursday, October 13, 2011

Genesis 20 ~ Sarah is rescued

Sarah was exceedingly beautiful and Abraham was afraid that he would be killed anytime they travelled so had asked Sarah to withold information regarding their marriage and only say that they were siblings.  They were in the region of Negeb and she did as he had asked and said that they were brother and sister (they shared the same father).

Abimelech, the king of Gerar took her as his wife but found that he was unable to touch her and the wombs of every female in the kingdom were closed. He was struck with an ailment and advised in a vision that Sarah was not to be touched because she belonged to another. He was destraught and questioned Abraham as to why he had done such a thing! After Abraham explained his dilemma, Sara was released and they were given gifts. The health of Abimelech's kingdom was restored.

Thank you for your visit today. Take care and may God richly bless you and the reading of His word.

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