Monday, November 7, 2011

Genesis 43 - Benjamin is brought to Joseph

The rations were finished and Joseph's family was getting pretty hungry. The father told them to go back to Egypt and get some more rations. Judah reminded his father that they were strictly advised not to come back for more rations without bringing Benjamin with them. Judah promised his father he would guard Benjamin and told him that without him they would all starve, even Benjamin.

Their father, Israel, finally agreed but advised them to take gifts with them, money to purchase the grain along with money to replace the money from last time that was given back to them. The brothers along with Benjamin began the jouney and Joseph spotted them from afar off. He sent his head steward off to kill one of his flock so it could be prepared for dinner with his brothers. He was also to bring them to Joseph's home. 

When Joseph's brothers were greeted by him they quickly told the steward what had happened last time and that they had not stolen the money but found it in their grain bags. The steward told them that everything was all right as they had paid for their food. He told them that their God had placed the gifts in the bags. He fed and watered their donkeys and gave them water to bathe their feet. The brothers set their gifts out and bowed low to Joseph when he appeared. 

After the greetings and Joseph saw his brother, Benjamin, he was overcome with emotion and left to weep tears of joy for a moment, then washed his face and returned. They dined separately, as Egyptians and Hebrews were not allowed, by custom to eat together, but the brothers were amazed to see that they were seated in accordance with their age. Their plates were piled high, but Benjamins was the highest. 

Thank you so much for visiting me today. May God richly bless you and the reading of His word.

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