Monday, November 14, 2011

Genesis 50 - Jacob's funeral

Joseph, distraught, threw himself upon his father kissing him and crying over him. He then had him embalmed and spent 40 days in mourning. Then he sent a message to Pharaoh via his courtier requesting permission to fulfill his promise to his father and bury him in Canaan. He took with him some of Pharaoh's dignitaries along with his family.

His brothers were in fear for their lives now that their father was no longer alive. They thought Joseph would seek revenge but Joseph reassured them that though they meant him harm, God had planned it for the good of the world. His brothers bowed low and offered to be his slaves. He comforted them speaking kindly and telling them he would see to it that they and their children would be cared for. 

He lived to be 110 and was embalmed and  buried in Egypt.

Thank you so much for visiting me today. May God richly bless you and the reading of His word.

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