Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Genesis 19 ~ Sodom is destroyed

In the last chapter we read that outcries had reached God regarding the depravity of Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember this is where is Abraham's nephew went to settle down. Abraham plead with God to spare the righteous. God sent two angels to the city and Lot was at the gate as they approached. The angels must have appeared normal because it is only later that their secret is uncovered. Lot graciously took them home to feed them and offer them sanctuary. The townspeople crowded around his home wanting to perform lewd acts upon Lot's visitors. Lot even offered his two virgin daughters to the men to get them to leave the men alone. The angry crowd threatened the "men" and Lot stating they would do worse to him than what they wanted to do the strangers but then the angels miraculously snatched Lot and brought him inside while striking the riotous mob with a blinding light rendering them helpless. 

It was then that Lot realized these "men" were of God and had come to save him and his family from the destruction of the city. They asked him to round up his family but his future son-in-laws only laughed when instructed to depart for their lives. The angels instructed them to not turn back but to look forward only. Lot's wife disobeyed and when she looked back upon the destruction of the city she became a pillar of salt. Only Lot and his daughters were able to escape and find refuge in a small city called Zoar. The city Of Sodom was destroyed by raining sulfurous fire.

Lot's daughters had lost their fiances and plotted together so that their family line could continue to get their father drunk and lie with him while he was inebriated. The older one named her son Moab and the younger hers Ammon.

Your visit means so much to me. May God richly bless you and the reading of His word.

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